打電話叫計程車 “May I have a taxi at…?” “Could you send a taxi to…?” “I’d like to order a taxi…” “Could I book a taxi…?” “I’d like a taxi immediately/as soon as possible please.”
聯繫計程車公司 那部計程車沒有準時,你需要知道原因: “Hello, my name is Mr. Smith. I ordered a taxi for 8p.m. at XYZ Street. It’s 8:15 now. Could you check what has happened please?” “Can you make sure one arrives as soon as possible?”
在飯店休息 你正在飯店,現在想請飯店幫你叫計程車,你給櫃台打了個電話: “Could you organize a taxi for me for this evening please? I need to be picked up at 7p.m to go out for a business dinner.” “Could you book a taxi to take me to the train station tomorrow morning please? I need to be at the station at 8:30a.m. What time do you think should I leave?”
你在訊問門房/服務員 “Excuse me, could you hail a taxi for me please?” “Excuse me, I need a taxi please.” “Excuse me, could you get a taxi for me please?”
你想了解計程車的車資多少? “How much is the typical taxi fare to the airport/train station/city centre etc?” 在計程車上 你要告訴司機去哪裡: “Could you take me to ‘The Irish Pub’ on 123 XYZ Street please?”
告訴司機你趕著要到某處,希望他能開快一點: “I’m really in a hurry, so can you take the quickest route please?”
(美國非正式片語)該怎麼告訴司機開快點: “Please step on it!”
你不確定地址: “Are you sure this is 123 XYZ Street? I can’t see ‘The Irish Pub’.”
想知道多少錢: “How much is the fare please?” “How much do I owe you?”