2 = to / too
4 = for
b4 = before 之前
cu / cya = see you 再見
cuz / cus / cause = because 因為
da = the
dat = that 那個
dun = don’t 不要
dunno = don’t know 不知道
gtg / g2g = got to go 要離開了
ic = i see 了解
n = and
nite = night 晚安
r = are
sup / wassup = what’s up 打招呼
sux = sucks 糟透了
aka = also known as 也被稱做
asap = as soon as possible 越快越好
atm = at the moment 現在
ea = each 每個
pm = private message 私人留言
rdy / rtg = ready / ready to go 準備好了
RIP = rest in peace 願他安息 (當知道某人過世時使用)
tmr = tomorrow 明天
afaik = as far as I know 就我所知
afk = away from keyboard 暫時離開
brb = be right back 馬上回來
brt = be right there 馬上過去
gl = good luck 祝你好運
gratz / grats = congratulations 恭喜
gm = good morning 早安
gn = good night 晚安
imo = in my opinion 在我看來
jk = just kidding / joking 開玩笑
np / no prob = no problem 不客氣
nvm = never mind 沒關係
omw = on my way 在路上
sec = second 等一下
sry = sorry 抱歉
ty = thank you 謝謝你
tbh = to be honest 說認真的
NPNT = no picture / photo no truth 沒圖沒真相
FYI = for your information 給你的資訊 (轉寄郵件時使用)
lol = laugh out loud 哈哈大笑
rolf = roll on floor laughing 笑到在地上打滾
lmao = laugh my ass off 笑掉屁股 (笑到不行)