威爾斯美語補習班 學習大補帖<時尚英語熱詞>
No.1 Hiberdating 有異性没人性
Definition : means dating in the winter months, or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word hiberdating is a blending of the word "hibernating" and "dating", which means a person is in a state of inactivity (hibernating) among friends when dating someone.
E.g. I haven't seen or heard from Jennifer since she started hiberdating Teddy four months ago.
No.2 Askhole 愛問鬼
Definition: a person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them.
E.g. I’m sure stock brokers and lawyers can quickly think of dozens of askholes from among their clientele. That’s not to mention management consultants, counselors, teachers, parents, and so on —all of whom have dealt with askholes.
No.3 Masturdating 自我约會
Definition: going out alone. I.e. seeing a movie by yourself, going to a restaurant alone.
E.g. Dude I saw No Country for Old Men twice by myself. I'm addicted to chronic masturdating.
No.4 Bedgasm 在床上極其享受的感覺
Definition: a feeling of complete and utter euphoria which peaks when climbing into bed at the end of an 18-hour workday, a long road trip or hours of extremely strenuous physical activity.
E.g. It was a three hour drive in the middle of the night, I could barely stay awake. When I got home, I climbed under the covers and had a ten-minute bedgasm.
No.5 Textpectation 期待回覆短信的少女情懷
Definition: The anticipation one feels when waiting for a response to a text message.
E.g. I just texted her for a date – but now the textpectation is killing me.
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