說 ─ tell/talk/say/speak
看 ─ see/look/watch
聽 ─ hear/listen/sound
tell (tell, told, told)
- tell a story 說故事
- tell the truth 說實話
- tell a lie 說謊
因為 tell 是單方面的告訴對方某事,因此要記得,如果要在 tell 後面加上「被告訴的人」,此代名詞應該要使用「受格」
I’m so sick of those politicians who are never willing to tell the truth.
Let me tell you something: this semester is going to be awesome!
2. tell 除了「說」的意思之外,也有「分辨」的意思
We can not expect everyone to be able to tell truth from lies.
talk (talk, talked, talked)
1. 在中文中的意思為「對話」、「談話」
2. 常見用法如:
- talk with/to 與某人講話
I’m talking with the boss. Stop cutting me off.
Can I talk to you for a second? There’s something you need to know.
注意這邊的兩個說的表現,前面因為是想要跟對方「談話」,所以使用 “talk” ,但因為後面想要表達的是「告訴」你事情,因此這時就要用 “tell”
- talk about… 談論關於…
The board talked about the new marketing strategy in today’s meeting.
say (say, said, said)
意思較接近於中文的「講」,也常見在新聞報紙、故事對於單一事件的陳述與報導;或是在新聞上或是揭示板上面看到的訊息,也可以用 “said” ,常見用法如:
- It’s said that …/People said that… 據說…
People said that a lot of government officials were involved in the scandal.
The weather report says that there will be a storm coming this weekend.
speak (speak, spoke, spoken)
1. 說某種語言
It will be a plus if you are able to speak more than one language.
2. 講電話時使用
This is Chris speaking. 我是 Chris。
May I speak to Justin? 我找 Justin。
3. Speaking of… 談到、講到
Speaking of Christmas, what kind of gifts do you want?
4. 認真的對某人講話
When I’m speaking to you, please pay attention.
1. I ____ him there’s no way that Peter would pass the exam yesterday.
2. It’s _____ that he is very popular at school.
3. John and his girl friend _____ about their future last weekend.
4. Jerry is good at learning languages. He can ____ more then 5 languages.
Speaking of languages 談到語言,你會說幾種語言呢?相信如果你正在看這篇文章學英文,你一定就不只能夠說一種語言啦!能夠說不只一種語言的人我們會說他 bilingual (雙語言的) 或是 multilingual (多語言的),除了可以用不同語言溝通外,其實能夠說更多的語言,也會根本上讓你的大腦發生變化!
see (see, saw, seen)
1. see 的意思接近中文的「看到」「看見」
Wearing glasses can help you see things more clearly.
The girl said she saw that man walking on the street suspiciously last night.
2. 除了看到之外,see 也可以用在明白某件事情、了解某件事情上
I see why you don’t want me to stay over. You don’t even like me.
look (look, looked, looked)
1. 指「集中目光朝向目標看」,為一種專注的注視與看,後面常加 “at”
Look at that baby! she is so adorable!
2. 常用片語如:
- look for 尋找
- look out 小心
- look forward to 期待
- look down on someone 鄙視、看低某人
- look up to someone 尊敬、敬佩某人
watch (watch, watched, watched)
1. watch 和 look 一樣有「集中目光朝向目標看」的意思,但是「持續一段時間」,因此如電影、演出這種並非短暫觀看就會結束的東西,這時就要使用 “watch” 而非 “look”,如:
watch TV 看電視/ watch a play 看一場演出
2. watch 也有不當作「看」解釋的片語:watch out 注意、留意
Penny really should start to watch out her health. Quitting smoking is the very first thing she should do.
1. I can tell he likes Sarah by the way he ______ at her.
2. This is the most fascinating view I have ever _______.
3. _______ out! It’s dangerous out there.
談到 “looking forward to” (期待),你們有什麼期待想要做的事情嗎?你是否也有你的 “bucket list”,也就是死前想要完成的清單呢?來看看這集 Vid-talk 談死前必須完成的心願,順便來看看 looking forward to 的用法吧!
hear (hear, heard, heard)
I can hear your voice. You don’t have to yell.
因為這邊聲音是不需要仔細聽就可以被聽到的,因此這邊使用 hear
listen (listen, listened, listened)
1.「主動的」「仔細的聽」,後面常加 “to”
Listen! There is someone out there.
※這邊之所以會用 listen 的原因,是因為這邊要求對方「仔細的聽」
2.要求別人「聽從」意見時,也會使用 listen。
Jessica never listens to me. She just does things in her own way.
Jessica 從不聽我的,總是用自己的方法做事。
sound (sound, sounded, sounded)
sound 用來表示事情「聽起來」如何,因此 sound 的主詞不會是聽的人,而是被聽到的人事物,跟前面兩者的主詞是不同的喲!
Your plan sounds amazing. I’ll totally join you guys.
- Craig decided to stay home and _____ to music tonight.
- _____ to the voice of your heart and follow what it says.
- Did you _____ what Johnny said last night? He said he’s leaving the company soon.
- This music clip ______ pretty interesting. What do you think of it?
Answers 答案
1. I told him there’s no way that Peter would pass the exam yesterday.
2. It’s said that he is very popular at school.
3. John and his girl friend talked about their future last weekend.
4. Jerry is good at learning languages. He can speak more then 5 languages.
Jerry 很有語言天分,他會說超過五種語言。
1. I can tell he likes Sarah by the way he looks at her.
我可以從他看 Sarah 的方式感覺得出來他喜歡她。
2. This is the most fascinating view I have ever seen.
3. Look/Watch out! It’s dangerous out there.
1. Craig decided to stay home and listen to music tonight.
Craig 決定今天晚上要留在家聽音樂。
2. Listen to the voice of your heart and follow what it says.
3. Did you hear what Johnny said last night? He said he’s leaving the company soon.
你有聽見 Johnny 昨晚說的話嗎?他說他快要離開公司了。
4. This music clip sounds pretty interesting. What do you think of it ?
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